Welcome to Palm Plantation. VARIEGATED RHAPIS EXCELSA The Variegated Lady Palm . Rhapis humilis bleibt mit einer Wuchshöhe von rund einem Meter deutlich kleiner als Rhapis excelsa, ist auch insgesamt zierlicher mit ihren fein gefiederten Blattwedeln und den schmalen Stämmen. AMERICAN PLANT EXCHANGE Lady Palm Rhapis Excelsa Indoor/Outdoor Air Purifier Live Plant, 6" Pot 3.8 out of 5 stars 162. Rhapis Palm - Rhapis excels The Rhapis or Lady Palm is a densely clustering, deep green fan palm, it grows to 3-4 metres, has a long life, and is slow growing. Rhapis excelsa is a very elegant, deep green palm that does well in our cooler climate. Rhapis Excelsa Basic Facts. Quite cold hardy. The stems resemble bamboo trunks which is why the plant is also known as the Bamboo Palm. Don’s Expert Answers: Stunted sparse leaves and no... Don’s Expert Answers: Poor growing Lilly Pillies, slow growing, so does not need repotting regularly, if grown indoors will benefit from occasionally being put outside in the rain, providing the conditions are mild and they’re kept out of direct sunlight. Visit your local store for the widest range of garden products. Rhapis palm is valued for its ability to cope with low light and humidity levels, making it highly suitable for indoor and sheltered positions, such as offices and malls. Known for their dark green, fan-shaped foliage, these palm trees bring a delightful oriental appeal to any décor. Bei der Rhapis humilis handelt es sich um eine schöne Rarität, die nur selten angeboten wird. State Nursery Container Description / Features / Specs Price; FL Pat Ford's Nursery, Inc. Boynton Beach, FL. Sie gehört zu den Zimmerpalmen, die keine besonderen Ansprüche stellen und deren Pflege keine Probleme bereitet. Visit your local store for the widest range of garden products. Dark glossy leaves which are incredibly resilient, and clumping habit which means you get new shoots around the edges, keeping it nice and thick. 1006. Jane went to visit Jo Wilkins in her garden in inner Melbourne. Lady Palm- Rhapis. Thank you. Lady Palms are quite cold tolerant and will grow well in frost-free temperate climates. Daher eignet sich diese Zwergpalme wunderbar für Wohnungen, die nicht ausreichend Platz für eine große Palme bieten. One of the all time popular indoor plants are the Rhapis Palms. This is why it’s sometimes known as “broadleaf Lady Palm”. They are relatively expensive because of their slow growth and range in price from $30 to $50 for a 20cm (8″) pot. The Raphis Palm features lush green foliage that is perfect in floral arrangements. by Phil Bergman Description of Article. The Rhapis Palm, botanical name Rhapis excelsa, also known as the 'Lady Palm' , make fantastic tropical accents whether used as an indoor houseplant/office plant or grown in a tropical garden setting. Don’s Expert Answers: Can BBQ smoke effect a Flame Vine which is on a fence approx 3 feet above the bbq plate? Lady palm will also cope with low light, so it can be in that dark corner. Rhapis is a suckering species, spreading via underground runners (rhizomes) several inches to feet in all directions, but is slow to do so. Here is a medium size rhapis palm that we place and care for, bringing a little of the tropics to your work space: Medium size rhapis palm: Everything Grows places rhapis palms as large as 10-12 feet tall. The leaves are divided into five to 12 blunt-ended pieces and its stems are clothed in a brown fibrous sheath like hessian. Die Rhapis Palme braucht mäßig Wasser wenn sie im Schatten steht. Ich freue mich schon auf weitere Palmen, wenn sie wieder zu bestellen sind. These are a palm tree that do not have spikes (unarmed) which makes them suitable for public spaces. Die Steckenpalme (Rhapis excelsa) ist eine Schirmpalme aus der Familie der Palmengewächse (Arecaceae), die in subtropischen Wäldern beheimatet ist. This is probably one of the best house plants going around. Rhapis excelsa wird 130-200 cm hoch. The best variety to use as a houseplant is the Rhapis Excelsa. Slow growing so it only needs re-potting every few years. Rhapis Palms are great as indoor plants and like most good indoor plants they come from a sub-tropical to tropical rainforest in south-east China where there isn’t much natural light. Die Palme kam so perfekt verpackt und unversehrt an, ich war erstaunt wie gut das ausgeklügelt war. You will find in it homes, commercial buildings and stores around the world. Rhapis excelsa (Rhapis Palm) - A very attractive slow growing multi-stemmed palm with large fan shaped leaves. Though they will grow in full sun they are at their best in a moist well drained soil in morning sun or light to heavy shade or even indoors. Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa): Growing Tips and Care. Die große Pflanze setzt in Wohnräumen oder auch im Büro erfrischende Akzente. long (50 cm), and is divided into 5-10 narrowly oblong lobes. This is a prolific and gorgeous palm. $24.99. The fronds of a Lady Palm grow out of multiple sturdy stems that are covered in a hairy brown fiber. The palms are dwarfed to as little as 25cm (10″) in China by confining the roots and pulling off the sheaths as they appear. The Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa) is a great plant to grow in your garden. It grows from multiple stems, each topped with upright fronds. Great palm for indoors or on a verandah; Rhapis excelsa is the most well-known and widely cultivated species, easily adapting to most interiors, and used in both tropical and subtropical landscapes throughout the world. Die Steckenpalme (Rhapis excelsa) fällt sofort auf, da ihre Blätter nicht aus einem zentralen Stamm sondern aus mehreren kleineren Stämmen entspringen, was ihr ein bambusähnliches, buschiges Aussehen verleiht. Rhapis excelsa ist der botanische Name dieser Palmenart. Rhapis excelsa - Steckenpalme. Rhapis Palms will tolerate lower light and temperatures than many other palms, making it a good choice for the home or office. Rhapis is a small genus with as many as twelve species said to occur in south east Asia and are found in southern China, Thailand, Laos and northern Sumatra (Indonesia).. ADELAIDE; CANBERRA; PERTH; Rhapis Excelsa Lady Palm 250mm - Sydney Only - The Jungle Collective . Super ! Botanic Name: Rhapis excelsa. Pinterest. Fill the pot with Yates Premium Potting Mix. Some varieties can grow to a height of 3-4 meters tall with male and female flowers separately. The palms are dwarfed to as little as 25cm (10″) in China by confining the roots and pulling off the sheaths as they appear. Rhapis Palms are available from most nurseries throughout Australia. Description: This is a multi-stemmed dwarf fan palm from southern China. Fact Sheets » In the Garden » Trees and Palms » Rhapis Palms. Common Name: Lady Palm. Grows well in sheltered positions. Rhapis Excelsa von christian1505, aus dem Bereich Kleinanzeigen für Pflanzen & Saatgut mit 1 Antworten 1. Obwohl die Rhapis Palmen nicht so viel Wasser brauchen, ist es ratsam darauf zu achten dass die Erde immer feucht ist. Description: This is similar to the Rhapis excelsa but the leaves are divided into eight to 22 pieces which are narrower and pointed. Die ursprünglich aus China stammende Fingerpalme ziert sich mit einer dunkelgrünen Blattfärbung und erweist sich als pflegeleichte und dekorative Zimmerpflanze. This is due to the growth pattern which is marked by multiple stems or stalks emerging from the base of the palm. So what makes the Raphis palm so popular. Question From: in Blackburn Sth, Blackburn Sth Victoria…, Question From: in San Diego, San Diego International…, Question From: in Ashmore , Ashmore Queensland Nature…, Question From: in Northgate, Brisbane Queensland Nature of…. Lady Palm Lady Palm Features: An Overview. Kim - October 11, 2020. The sturdy canes are covered with brown fibers which fall as the plant ages, revealing the bamboo-like trunks. These are a palm tree that do not have spikes (unarmed) which makes them suitable for public spaces. Can be grown in full sun but leaves will yellow and may burn. Rhapis excelsa grow in a similar fashion to some varieties of bamboo but at a much slower rate. Diese Palme hat buschige Stämme, die aus den unterirdischen Wurzeln aufwachsen. Stems have a brown, fibrous, hessian like covering. Write a review Please login or register to review Lady Palm- Rhapis Excelsa in excellent condition, is a slow growing palm with large fan like glossy leaves with multiple fibrous stems. We continue to follow government advice and thank our amazing team for all their hard work helping our customers. Die künstliche Zimmerpalme, in Fachkreisen auch Steckenpalme genannt, ist ein äußerst pflegeleichtes Deko-Objekt, an dem Sie lange Freude haben werden. Find plants by name, distance or feature. Das gleiche gilt für die Temperatur. This exceptional palm is used worldwide and delivers elegance, beauty, and versatility to any interior setting. Lady Palm has big, thick leaves with blunt tips and wide segments. Also known as broadleaf lady palm or bamboo palm, Rhapis Palm is a highly popular palm variety and features in home designs frequently. PlantVine Rhapis excelsa, Lady Palm - Large - 8-10 Inch Pot (3 Gallon), Live Indoor Plant $102.00. 0. At that time, Thailand Lady Palm was thought to be a miniature form of R. humilis and was distributed commercially under that name until 1984 when it was recognized by Dr. Dransfield and Ms. Fitt to be Beccari's Rhapis subtilis. Rhapis Excelsa or Lady Palm. It is approximately 80cm tall and 56cm wide Description: This is a multi-stemmed dwarf fan palm from southern China. Rhapis Palms are popular the world over as a hardy indoor plants for low light situations. The lady palm, or Rhapis excelsa, is a small fan palm that can do exceedingly well indoors under the right conditions. Adelaide’s leading palm specialists, open to the public and trade. Obtaining mature height could take well over a decade. Most would grow this species in filtered light. It adapts easily to a wide range of different soils, climates and environments, which makes it a great house and garden plant for all plant growers. Schlanke, schilfähnliche Stengel hat die Palme, die mit braunen Fasern bedeckt sind. Click here for more information on freight. Lady Palm. Position the plant in the middle of the new pot. Rhapis humilis grows better in the ground than in a pot. The leaves are divided into five to 12 blunt-ended pieces and its stems are clothed in a brown fibrous sheath like hessian. Die buntblättrige Sorte R. excelsa "Zuikonishiki" bildet an den Strahlen eine gelbe Zeichnung und bleibt mit etwa 60 cm Wuchshöhe kleiner als die einfarbige Art Rhapis excelsa. It's distinct feature is a lime-coloured stripe which makes it a bit more subtle than Zuikonishiki. (Palms & Cycads) Choose a well-lit spot indoors or a protected position in a patio situation. Die Blätter sind spitz zulaufend, dunkelgrün, lederartig und etwas fächerförmig. Von dort aus hat sie ihr natürliches Verbreitungsgebiet nach Pakistan, Japan und Malaysien erweitert. Skip to content. Reminiscent of bamboos, Rhapis excelsa (Lady Palm) is a small evergreen palm with upright, slender, bamboo-like canes bearing delicate, glossy, dark green, fan-shaped leaves. Your shopping cart is empty for the moment. Durch die tiefen Einschnitte der Blätter erhält das Blattwerk eine fächerartige Form, die an einzelne Finger erinnert. In tropical and subtropical climates it can be grown in sheltered positions in the garden. Pots, especially when smaller, tend to restrict growth. The best way to find and locate wholesale plants. Liner (Deep) 40 per Tray Login Req'd : FL MB Palms. When planted in the ground the clumps can extend to more than 2m (7′) across and 4m (13′) high. Rhapis Excelsa - Schadensbegrenzung nach Schnitt von Bias, aus dem Bereich Pflegen & Schneiden & Veredeln mit 6 Antworten 6. 15679. There are no reviews for this product. Dem entsprechend ist die Palme prächtig gediehen und mein Lieblingsstück schon jetzt. When potted in a 6” or 8” container, this compact upright palm makes a great table plant. Specifications . A fantastic indoor pot plant. Rhapis excelsa wird in der Wohnungskultur bis zu 1,5 m hoch. Rhapis excelsa, genannt noch Lady Palm oder die Steckenpalme ist auf einer Seite für ihr gutes Aussehen, aber auch für die leichte Pflege bekannt, welche sie erfordert. Also very good as a potted specimen and in shady spots in the garden. We deliver to all Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Canberra and Brisbane, metropolitan and regional areas. Rhapis excelsa 'Variegata' - A very attractive slow growing multi-stemmed palm with large fan shaped variegated leaves. It is tolerant of various types of climates, so it can be used all around the world. It can also be grown outside but leaves are yellowish and may burn on hot days. Because... Rivendell Flower Show Sydney begins tomorrow morning! Rhapis Palm - Rhapis excels The Rhapis or Lady Palm is a densely clustering, deep green fan palm, it grows to 3-4 metres, has a long life, and is slow growing. Mostly grown as an indoor plant, but can be grown out doors in a shady position in tropical,sub-tropical and even temperate climates, however they do not … Orlando, FL. The Lady Palm is slow growing and so can remain in the same pot for many years. The Lady Palm is from the Southeast area of China and its botanical name is Rhapis excelsa. Supplier of Rhapis Palms for indoor hire and landscape gardens READ MORE Als Zimmerpalme erfreut sich die manchmal auch unter dem Namen … The Rhapis Palm is native to Sothern China and Taiwan; it grows best in partial shade and makes the best indoor palm in the world. Types of Broadleaf Lady Palms. From China, this small palm is noted for its eye-catching deep green foliage and bamboo-like clumps. This well-known, oriental looking, small palm is much loved and valuable as a house plant due to its legendary tolerance of low light and abuse. Lady palm or Rhapis is a plant that is native to Asia, Japan and China. Here is the stunning Rhapis palm that I take care of inside the store I work for when Im not traveling. Twitter. This is due to the growth pattern which is marked by multiple stems or stalks emerging from the base of the palm. Yesterday was a success & today will be even better -Why? Rhapis Palm. This article was written to give the reader more information about the rare type of plant known as the Variegated Lady Palm.There's little information about them in reference books or on the Internet. Mehr Information über Bambuspalme Rhapis excelsa XL bei Bakker.com kaufen: 100% Blühgarantie frisch vom Züchter 70 Jahre Erfahrung - Jetzt bestellen! 12034. product-template-default,single,single-product,postid-111781,theme-bridge,bridge-core-1.0.6,woocommerce,woocommerce-page,woocommerce-no-js,ajax_fade,page_not_loaded,,qode_grid_1300,side_area_uncovered_from_content,vss_responsive_adv,vss_width_600,footer_responsive_adv,columns … Its clumps can sometimes reach enormous width, so the plant’s width can match its height. How to grow rhapis in a pot. Best climate: Subtropical and tropical climates and around the coast of mainland Australia. All…, Don’s Expert Answers: purchasing miniture lady finger tree, Don’s Expert Answers: Leggy with yellow leaves and no winter buds, Don’s Expert Answers: didn't bloom, many small buds, Don’s Expert Answers: Identify flowering vine. Because... Rivendell Flower Show Sydney begins tomorrow morning nur selten angeboten wird leaves are divided into to! 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